Molecular Core Facility

Molecular Core Online Order

Molecular Core CLOSED Wednesday 2/12/25 and Monday 2/17/25

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The Molecular Core keeps in-stock some of the most commonly used reagents for PCR, QPCR, electrophoresis, northers, and tissue culture. Many of the items not kept in-stock are available through our website at discounted prices and generally with no shipping cost.
In Stock Products

Hours:      M-F 10:30AM - 5:00 PM
Location: BG004 (Animal Tower (B) - Ground Floor, close to main building public safety office)
                 UConn Health
                 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030

Contact Info:

Manager: John Glynn
Ph#:          860-679-1191
John Glynn
Director:  Kevin Claffey
Ph#:         860-679-8713