Fund Request Online Submit
Article 16 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between AAUP and UConn Health provides for two types of faculty professional development funding. Section 16.1 provides funds for junior faculty and Section 16.3 provides Continuing Dental and Medical Education funds.
This application is designed for faculty from both school of Dental Medicine and Medicine requesting either or both the following funds:
A. Section 16.1 Junior Faculty Professional Development Funds
• Up to $500.00 annually
Available for academic or professional purposes, following the guidelines of the funding source identified by Chair/Type II Center Director and the Dean of the School.
1. Faculty at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor
2. During the first five years of their employment or until their promotion to a senior rank, whichever comes first.
B. Section 16.3 Continuing Dental and Medical Education Support (CDME Professional Development Fund)
• Up to $1000.00 annually
Available on first come first serve basis
1. Faculty of any rank
2. The faculty member must have no available funding in individual accounts (academic enhancement accounts), department, or grant funds (DCAA)
3. CDME Professional Development funds are available in that fiscal year
More details, please see AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement: Article 16 - Professional Development
School of Dental Medicine contact:
School of Medicine contact:
Iris Chalerman
Administrative Financial Coordinator
Deans Office - School of Medicine
Ph#: 860-679-2231